Examining why jews reject jesus to be the messiah and prophecies that prove jesus christ of nazareth is indeed the true messiah.
We as Christians believe that Jesus christ is the messiah ,the promised saviour of the jews and the whole world. God loves the Jewish people and they,out of whole mankind, were given a promise; which is little known of today. God promised both Abraham and his grandson, Jacob saying," I will bless them that bless thee, and curse them that curseth thee." When we look at history we can see how this promise is at work. God cursed them who cursed Israel and blessed those who blessed Israel.The bible records that Jesus was rejected by his own people.John 1: 11 tells us that " He came unto his own, and his own received his not." The messiah came to earth and shed his preciouse blood to take away the sins of the world. He arose from the dead and was seen by over 500 witnesses as recorded in 1Corinthiand 15: 6. If a jew believes that Jesus is the messiah then he is a jew no more for he then becomes a Christian. Christ in the new testement claimed to be equal to God. (Matthew 10:40/Matthew11:27/Jhon10:30/Jhon15:23)
Christ also claimed the rigts of god(Luke 7.48/Mark 5:41&42/Jhon 5:22-27/Mark1:27)
The scriptures of Matthew 5:17 f f /Matthew12:16/Luke sums up Jesus' claims about his deity.24:27
* Why did the Jews Reject the True Messiah Jesus? .
When sincerely asked, this question is a good one for there have been false messiahs in jewish history. Among the most prominant were Bar Kochba and Shabbetai Zevi. Bar Kochba led a revolt against Rome in the year 132-135 C. E. During this revolt, one of the most famous figures in jewish history , Rabbi Akiva, proclaimed him to be "King Messiah". Unfotunately Bar Kochba, Akiva and thousands of other Jews were killed in 135C.E. Betar Shabbetai Zevi,on the other hand, was a self proclaimed messiah, who flourished in 17th centuary Europe. He was arrested in 1666 by the Sultan of Turkey. Shabbetai Zevi converted to Islam rather than face death.
The idea of a messiah for jewish people is one that is found throughout the Hebrew Bible. There the identification of messiah is given. The Bible tells of messiah's ethinic background, place of birth, the frame of his arrival. Other identifying characteristics too are given in the scriptures. These credentials enable us to identify the messiah, and to recognise imposters. The question is that if these credentials are so clear, why do most Jewish people fail to believe in Jesus as the true messiah and why do they easily fall in to deception and believe in flase Messiahs like Bar Kochba and Shabbetal Zevi?
To understand this, one must realize that by the time Jesus appeared on the scene, the Messianic hope had become greatly politicized in the minds of the people. They were seeking deliverence from the tyranny of Rome. Although the Scripture spoke both of the sufferings and of the victories of the Messiah, the victorious aspect had become uppermost in the minds of the common people becouse of Roman domination. This "lopsided" view of the Messiah has stuck with Jewish people,and the politicization of the Messianic hope has continued. Thus the hope of a political rather than a spiritual Messiah contributed to the acceptance of people such as Bar Kochba and Shabbetai Zevi. This is not to say that all Jewish people rejected the claims of Jesus. Far from that being the case, all the firstfollowers of Jesus were Jews. In fact, the rabbis of that time period were well aware that many Messianic prophecies were fulfilled in Jesus. The Talmudic rabbis concurred that Isaiah 53 speaks of the Messiah. By medieval times the pressure from those who applied the prophecy of Isaiah 53 to Jesus was so great that a Jew call Rashi, a great medieval Jewish Biblical scholar, reinterpreted the chapter and said it referred not to Jesus as the messiah but to the nation of Israel. This interpretation is maintained up to this day by many Jewish scholars. Here are some of many of the Old Testament scriptures that speaks of the Messiah, all of which were fulfilled in Christ Jesus.
1. Messiah was to be born at Bethlehem: Micah 5: 1
2. Messiah would be from the tribe of Judah: Genesis 49:10
3. Messiah would present himself by riding on an ass: Zechariah 9:9
4. Messiah would be tortured to death: Psalm 22
5. Messiah would arrive before the destruction of the Second Temple: Daniel 9:24-27
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