The Origin of Angels.
The lord god has made heavens and all its hosts. Their purpose is to serve the Lord and praise him continually.Angels were created only for this purpose. Angels are a little higher than human beings but under the authority of god. Angels were created when god created the heavens and the earth for his good pleasure.
Characteristics of Angels.
Angels exercise moral judgement. They know what is right and what is wrong. (11 peter 2:4) they are not fleshly but spiritual beings. Angels do not die.(luke 20:34-36). Angels are numbered unlimited. there are millions and millions of angels and demons.
Angels are referred to in different ways
1. sons of god.
2. holy ones
3. ministering spirits
4. a watcher, a holy one
5. rulers authorities dominions
6. powers
* when we speak of spiritual beings we must understand that they are highly organized.
The bible speaks of several different types of angels.These are, cherubim, special angels on whose lips there is continual praise, seraphim, archangel Michael, angelic messenger Gabriel,and the angel that was sent to rebuke prince of Persia.
Angels have specific work that they have been ordained to do.
1. they join with us human beings when we worship.
2. they rejoice over those who repent
3. they bring messages from god to man, they come to minister to men.
4. Angels were created by god to worship and glorify him
Jesus was assisted by Angles at his birth, during his ministry,and at his death (matthew 28:1-2)
and Angels will herald his second coming.
Categories of Angels.
The bible speaks of thrones, of dominions , principalities, powers, authorities, hosts and other heavenly forces. This vast universe of ours is so vast that we know very little of the laws under which it operates. what we do know is that our mighty god is a god of order.
We read much about angelic protection in scripture.Angels bring good tidings, they are sent to protect, and they are sent to minister, to God's people such as the angel who was with Paul in a shipwreck. Then there are angles of God and angles of the Lord. Sometimes there are territorial angels. In the book of revelation shows that churches in different territories such as sardis and Ephesus have Angels addressed over them. Then there are angels of judgement. Then there are Cherubim's and seraphims who are winged creatures. Some other important types of Angels are warrior angels, ministering angels, and angels who are also known as sons of God. Galatians 1:8
Judges 13:19-20
Revelation 2:1,12,18; 3:1,7,14.
Luke 15:10
Acts 27:23-24.
Angels have a important part to play during these end times in bringing gods judgment upon this earth.
It is an angel who will pour out a vial upon rivers and fountains of waters. Angels have a part in heralding crhist's second coming. They will herald the call for Armageddon. Angels in the old testament had a part in bringing the judgment of God upon Jerusalem and the city of Judah.
Evil Demons and Fallen angels.
Revelation12:7-9 says “ and there was war in heaven, Michael and his angels fought against the dragon: and the dragon fought and his angels. And prevailed not; neither was their place found any more in heaven.and the great dragon was cast out, that old serpent, called the devil, and satan which deceiveth the whole world; he was cast out into the earth, and his angels were cast out with him.
Evil spirts were originally crated good . Lucifer proclaimed “ I will “ five times with arrogance and pride and thus lost his vice regentship in heaven. The cause of Satan's fall was his pride. However god did not destroy his power,wisdom,intelligence,or restrain his activity. He was still powerful in fact the bible says that none of his peers could bring an accusation against him. Satan opposes every child of god.
He is a powerful spiritual force operating in the world today. Satan is a malicious, destructive, belligerent, dominating rebellious force who hates man, and is mans enemy and adversary. Satan is the instigator of disease, pain suffering, and eventually death,
God wants the best for us. God is benevolent, loving patient, and kind
He forces no man, but gives each of us a choice.every living person must choose whom he will serve – God or Satan.
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