Thursday, June 21, 2007

The oxford dictionary describes the word 'incarnate' as embodiment in human form, the incarnation that of god as christ. who is jesus christ? men and women down through the ages have been divided over the question, ' who is jesus?' why so much conflict over one individual?why is it that his name, more than the name of any other religious leader, the likes of Buddha, Muhammad, Confucius, causes irritation? The reason is that these others didnt claim to be God, but jesus did. It became clear that his own claims were identifying him as more than just a prophet or teacher. he was obviously making claims to diety. we often hear the phrase ' the deity in christ' in religious media, magazines, television.this means that jesus christ is GOD. in theology 'God' is defined as 'infinite and perfect spirit in whom all things have thier source, support and end. this definition of God is adequate to mulims and jews. however their is an additional note to that definition which is' and who became incarnate as Jesus christ of nazareth.
Jesus christ is the eternal God by whom all things were created. he was incarnated through the virgin mary and became man so that he could pay the penalty for our sin and bring salvation to mankind. Therefore Jesus christ, God incarnate is the source of eternal life. John 1:1 says "in the beggining was the word, and the word was with god and the Word WAS God" . we see here that the word co-existed with God and also that the word was indeed God. in psalms 33:6 it is written that" by the Word of the lord the heavens were made, and all the host of them by the breath of his mouth". you see that it is the same word that created the heavens and that same word is who became flesh and dwelth amongst us. John shows us clearly that he is speaking of jesus christ by his description. Jesus who was perfectly human being the last Adam, at the same time was the creator of the universe. Jesus christ of nazareth was the supreme disclosure of God in complete Holiness.
scripture tells us that 'The word became flesh', Jesus was the word who became flesh. Born in human form, he was perfect and without sin. That is why he is called the last Adam. The blood running through his veins was pure and holy. He had to sacrifice his life, be cursed; for it is said that cursed is he who hangeth on a tree, to pay the penalty for out sins. As God the Father required a perfect compensation, Jesus sin offering compensated his rigteous requirement, becuase Jesus shed his blood whcih was pure and holy.
Jesus christ is the light of the world.John 1:5 says "light shines in the darkness and the darkness did not comprehend it" we have to look to christ Jesus to walk with clear sightedness and in repentance. Jesus christ the creator of all things visible and invisible, is the light, and the powers of darkness can neither comprehend it nor quench it. through his sacrifice, christ overcame the power of death, and in resurrection overcame the devil and the hosts of wickedness and made a public spectacle of them.
" for in him (christ) dwells all the fullness of the God head bodily" This scripture shows clearly how Christ Jesus being a perfect man was subsequently God himself. Jesus christ the nazerene is the second element of the triune God head, who at the same time is the embodiment of God himself. this is the great mystery of the trinity.